loving life with the little man and an elephant

Monday, March 23, 2015

Mother Goose Time Book Giveaway

It's that time again! Mother Goose Time bloggers are giving away some Mother Goose Time books. We are first reviewing the books through Amazon and then sharing the love. We are doing all of this to celebrate the addition of these amazing books to Amazon.  Previously these books were only available in Mother Goose Time curriculum kits.

The first book I am giving away is Beatriz, Bananas and the Very Big Hat by Chris Lensch. This book came along with our Rainforest Adventure curriculum. It is perfect for thinking about warm weather this spring. 
  A simple yet powerful tale that teaches about adventure, being independent -- and sharing with others. Height-challenged Beatriz gets a fancy hat to make her stand out amidst the tall trees of the rain forest. Soon, she meets a group of very curious monkeys who first challenge Beatriz's patience -- but soon after become friends.

This little redhead is headed for dinner at a restaurant with Mom. It's a big outing and she wants to impress -- but first has to learn the basics. Washing hands, being polite, chewing with her mouth closed -- they're all fun lessons served up in a delightful way!

 There is even a song at the end of the book.

Our last book this time around is Baby Animals Learn and Play.
You and your child can mimic these cute, cuddly baby creatures with your own movements, including the bear, turtle, fox, and more!


Hop Along to the other Mother Goose Time Blogs for More Chances to WIN!

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