loving life with the little man and an elephant

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mother Goose Time "Ocean Commontion"- Ocean Plants, Coral Reef, and Octopus

This week we continued with our workbox method of learning with Mother Goose Time's "Ocean Commotion". I am really enjoying it and Mason is always asking "Can we do another activity?" 

The kids like choosing which activity and I feel like we are covering more information.

This past week we looked at Ocean Plants, the Coral Reef, and Octopus. 

The first activity I am going to tell you about was from day 4: Ocean Plants. We started the activity Ocean Designs by talking about what shapes we see on fish and ocean plants. I then introduced tangrams to the kids. They tried to make different shapes from the tangrams. They then used the tangrams to create fish and plants in the shape design mats. 

The next activity came from day 5: Coral Reef. We started by looking at pictures of sea fans. We talked about what they looked like that we have already seen. 
The kids then tried to make coral reefs with yarn on their plastic canvas. They then laced their yarn through the plastic canvas. They really enjoyed this fine motor activity. 

Our last activity we are showing was from day 7: Octopus. This activity was called Counting Suckers. We talked about how an octopus uses the suckers on its arms. We talked about that they use their suckers to grab things and catch their prey. We then played the counting suckers game by rolling the die and putting that number of bingo chips on the suckers until they were all full. 

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